Climate Risk Analysis
Physical Climate Risk Insights
For ESG/Financial Reporting and Portfolio Analysis
Asset-level climate risk analysis supports your organisations net-zero commitments and long-term business strategy by providing quantitative insights for ESG/Financial reporting and portfolio analysis.
Acacia Sustainability offers physical climate risk analysis from data provided by XDI, Cross Dependency Initiative, global leaders in Physical Climate Risk Analysis.

About XDI Cross Dependency Initiative
Global leaders in Physical Climate Risk Analytics
XDI Cross Dependency Initiative provides the world’s most powerful and detailed physical climate risk analysis and adaptation capabilities across the globe. Powered by the award-winning Climate Risk Engines the XDI Platform brings together asset level data sets with extensive climate models to help organisations analyse and quantify the physical impacts of climate change on their business operations.

XDI analysis supports decision making around TCFD reporting, financial analysis and asset management for business, Government and finance world-wide. XDI can support global scale analysis with asset level granularity, and provide outputs of both standard or customised reports, maps and data sets.
The Climate Risk Engines analyse the impacts of extreme weather and climate change to critical infrastructure and other physical assets. The computational risk engines have been continuously developed and applied in analysis for government and business since 2011.